Hide a bass piano stave but keep the treble

• Feb 17, 2022 - 11:17

I am new to Musescore I am playing about with adding an Alto Sax to a songsheet.

Not sure if its musical - but then that is what experimenting is for - but I writing the alto sax to play the note equivalent of the piano bass line.
Is there a way where I can hide the piano bass line (which has notes at the moment) so I can hear what the sax line sounds like.
It may not be possible but if you dont ask.


I think you want to still see the piano notes but not have the bass clef play back? If that is the case, open the Mixer [F10], select Piano and look for where it says "Mute Voice". There should be two rows of buttons with 1 2 3 4 - click on the bottom-row buttons to mute those Voices in the piano bass clef.

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