Possible memory retention

• Feb 26, 2022 - 08:02

I have something going on that is driving me crazy: I input my first note as soon as I do that it gives me an 8th rest and a quarter rest. Somehow I am able to click on the 8th rest then click on the quarter note and change it to a quarter rest, but the other quarter rest now changes to the 8th rest I have no Ideal why. So now I input my next quarter note which is OK but now I am stuck with that 8th rest again. Unlike the last time instead of me clicking on the 8th rest and then clicking on the quarter note to change that one to a quarter rest it not only keeps the 8th rest there but it also goes to the next measure and adds 2 more 8th rests and 2 quarters rests

Why is it doing this? I have undid everything all the way back to the first note in the first measure to start over but it makes no difference, it just repeats the same thing over again like it has some sort of memory retention that keeps wanting to put those 8th rests in and I do not want them there period. Does anybody have a clue why it would be doing this? Short of starting over with a brand new blank sheet I do not know what to do.


This sounds correct. Apparently your score - of the measure you are working on, anyhow - is in 2/4. Thus, only two beats fit. So as soon as you enter an eighth note, MuseScore shows you the remaining time is a beat and a half - notated as an eight rest followed by a quarter rest, the proper way to notate that. Changing that eighth rest to a quarter rest is incorrect notation - quarter rests need to start on a beat - but MuseScore does let you change the eighth rest to a quarter rest anyhow. So, now you've entered one and a half beats (an eighth note and a quarter rest), and there is only half a beat left in the measure, and that's exactly what MuseScore is showing you - there is an eighth rest left over. This is all completely expected according to standard rules of notation as far as I can tell.

If that doesn't explain it, then as mentioned, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better,

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