Positioning a Segno mid-bar (newbie)

• Mar 12, 2022 - 17:52

I need to have a phrase repeat from the fourth beat of a 4/4 bar but can only position the Segno sign above that bar and it plays from the first beat.

Any help appreciated :-)

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I strongly recommend against this. By definition, those symbols apply to entire measures and that's how any musician reading that will interpret it., So half the band will jump to the beginning of that measure, half to the next measure (and thus skipping the pickup), and a train wreck will ensue as they are now in two different places. You should add an extra measure if necessary at the DS so that the segno can be at the start of the next measure as standard notation requires.

In reply to by Rusty Roads

But if you do that, don't leave the preceding bar with a whole measure rest. With no other indication a player will interpret the measure as having 4 beats. Instead you should show it as as half rest followed by a quarter rest to show that it has only three beats. I would also probably make the barline dotted.

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