Chord Symbols with accidentals

• Mar 16, 2022 - 00:17

Is there any way of creating chord symbols with the accidentals above each other?
I have been using chord symbols such as F#m7(#9#5), but this takes up a lot of space.
If the #9 and #5 were above each other inside single brackets then this would be easier to work with and is a reasonably standard approach. I have attached an image with the method I use, but it's tedious and, since the brackets are rehearsal marks, the #9 and #5 are text and the F#m7 is a chord symbol, it doesn't play correctly.

Attachment Size
Chord Symbol.JPG 9.55 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for replying. I have been using Musescore for some time now, but this is the first time I have felt the need to ask a question. I'd just like to say that greatly appreciate the time and effort required to offer this application and I think it is a great credit to everyone involved.

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