MuseScore crashing on attempted Save action

• Mar 31, 2022 - 14:55

I have been using MuseScore, current version, on my Windows 10 desk top for two years now with great satisfaction. As I am away form home frequently I downloaded rom your site MuseScore for my Windows 10 laptop computer.
I completed a score on my laptop computer and went to save it. The program crashed. I restarted the program and the last session that I was working on, the new score, was presented to me. Each and every time I went to save the score MuseScore crashed. Each new start-up presented me with the latest revisions to the score.
I do not want to lose the work I put into the score. Obviously the score is saved somewhere within the program.
1. How do I locate that saved version of the score I worked on, with the view of saving it to a different file directory where it is safe and usable, if nothing else, on my desktop computer?
2. Would I be correct in assuming that the actions needed to get MuseScore up and running properly on my laptop is to re-install the program?
3. I am assuming that re-installing it would erase the score that I worked on--so I want to find it and save it else where. Would that be a correct assumption?


It sound like there is likely a corruption in the score file that prevents it from being resaved.

  1. check and attach the found file here (copy it to a different location as well)

  2. No, the crash is most likely related to the score, not the program installation itself. After recovering the file as per step 1, then don't ask to restore your session afterwards. You should still be able to work on other/new scores just fine.

  3. See 1 & 2 above.

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