Continuous view hides all notation when the left side is obscured.

• Apr 7, 2022 - 18:08

All you need to do is turn on continuous view in order for this to take place. No other steps were required to reproduce this.
Check the linked attachment.

Attachment Size
musescorecontinuous.gif 1.45 MB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Also, the Development and Technology Preview forum should be used for any future MuseScore 4 beta releases - especially as more and more testers come onboard and report issues.
Doing so will minimize confusion on this (Support and bug reports) forum which currently helps the greater majority of users running the stable release of MuseScore 3.

So, when testing MuseScore 4, select this forum:


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, the OP is using the special Alpha, and Github is the stated recommended venue for any special Alpha bug reports, although as you wrote (and linked to), the Development and Technology Preview forum is more appropriate than this forum, which is presently focused on MuseScore 3.
MuseScore 4 beta is not yet released, but when it is, the Development and Technology Preview forum should remain the venue of choice for "Discussing the developing MuseScore etc..." Apparently, people don't pay attention to that forum description listed here: (Plus see my earlier picture posted above.) The result is that our 'Support and bug reports' forum gets jumbled with MuseScore 4 issues. This is not important during, and in between, MuseScore version 3.x releases.
MuseScore 4 testers should refrain from posting here to avoid confusing MuseScore 3 users, especially new ones. Screenshots taken from MuseScore 4 showing GUI features totally unrelated to MuseScore 3 confound the situation. This happens during every major program revision.
After the MuseScore 4 RC, this forum will naturally transition and advise all users to download the latest version of MuseScore 4.

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