Fonts without Issues?

• Apr 12, 2022 - 06:22


I've run into problems with fonts.

Edwin doesn't print many accidentals, time signatures, etc. on our HP printer.
Hyphens (-) and equal signs (=) don't appear in Staff Text (maybe other characters in other types of texts, too, but this one I noticed) when using Bravura Text.

I've also encountered problems with Emmentaler and Leland, but apologies for not remembering what those were; it was a while ago. All I remember is to not use them as there were issues.

  • Is there a font that works for everything, and is acceptable by most engravers/publishers in the US and Europe?

A font where all accidentals, lines, text, characters, etc. work all the time? Where a score can be created in Musescore, and the PDF and final printing from a Mac to an HP printer will all look the same? Where what I'm working with in Musescore actually looks like what'll print out in the end without surprises?



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Wish I was a computer person who could help with this stuff...

After reading that thread I'm confused, seems like some suggestions were later found to not work.

  1. Use HP driver with the Mac
  2. Which font works?

Some fonts don't show certain characters in System and Staff text, some don't show the note in Tempo text, etc.

What is the winning combination?


Don't use Leland, but Emmentaler, Gonville or Bravura
Export to PDF and print that
Don't use AirPrint, but print using the HP driver""

I have issues with all three of those fonts. Emmentaler isn't in my dropdown list of fonts under Format -> Style, neither is Gonville but seems like that is called Gootville here, but Gootville and Bravura both don't show text characters such as the "=" or "-" in Staff or System text.

Is there one font to use for everything, that works if exported to PDF and then printed using HP driver on a Mac, and is in the drop down menus under Style?

A font that will print things exactly the way they appear when editing scores in Musescore?

Thanks again.

In reply to by RogerRabbit95

Sure Emmentaler is there, as is Gonville. Internally Emmentaler is called MScore and Gonville is called Gootville, but certainly not in Format Style > Score.
Those 3 workarounds are alternatives, one or the other or the 3rd. All 3 have been confirmend to work, independant of one another.
Gonville and Bravura are not used for system text, that'd be Edwin! And of course those do show "=" and "-".

In reply to by RogerRabbit95

Emmentaler was the default Musical Font before 3.6., now it is Leland
Emmentaler Text was the default Musical Text Font before 3.6, now it is Leland Text
Free Serif was the default plain text font before 3.6, now it is Edwin.

Of these only Leland has that issue with HP printers over AirPrint on Macs

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I did a test print of the first page with Times, and it looks like everything is there: articulations, accidentals, time signatures, key signatures, etc.

Will I run into problems later using Times?

Many times things look good, I edit for a couple of hours, and then see there's a problem with some kind of element that appears later.


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