Removing empty staves

• Apr 16, 2022 - 12:14

Hello, I am using musescore 3, How do I remove empty bars/staves after finishing writing my music


The above is how to hide the empty measures within your score. If you mean simply, you added too many measures and now you want to delete the extra ones at the end, use Tools / Remove Empty Trailing Measures. Or more generally, selecting measures you with to remove and press Ctrl+Delete.

In reply to by DBClassic

Right - as I said, it wasn't clear what you were asking, but if you just wanted to to hide the empty staves in which some parts are silent, the previous answer was it. My answer what you want if what you wanted to remove the measures.

BTW< it's hard to say for sure from just a picture - the actual score is usually more helpful - but it appears you might be using section breaks inappropriately. Normally measure numbering shouldn't be reset for each verse of a song. Simply system breaks would accomplish that, and optionally horizontal frames if you want the indent of the next system.

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