Do I get charged even if I just started free trial?

• Apr 24, 2022 - 03:41

Hi guys, I'm quite new in Musescore so I don't know much about it and I have wondered if it charged me right after free trial. I have read some reviews about musescore and most said they have been charged without them knowing and they just started free trial. Or, if I did get charged, how do you cancel the trial before you get charged again after?


To further clarify, most of those complaining about immediate charges is because they didn't take the free trial, but midway their registration process clicked on a different (1y discount without trail) instead..

If you take the free trial (of the Pro acount on, you will get charged right after it ends, unless you cancel in time.
As expoledned further up, this is not related at all to or the MuseScore Editor (for Windows, Mac, Linux) though.

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