Notes do not sound during note input

• May 6, 2022 - 16:39

MS 3.6.2 on Mac Mini Late 2014 10.12.6 Sierra. This is a new install.
When I open an existing file I cannot get notes to sound on Note Entry using MIDI keyboard or mouse. Also, when I click on a note in the score, it does not sound. In Preferences, MIDI input is checked; and Play notes on entry is checked.
If I open a new score, notes Do sound on entry using mouse and MIDI keyboard. Save that file and re-open, and all works fine.
I have reset to factory settings. The MIDI keyboard, and audio device shows correctly in Preferences I/O. Several restarts of MS and CPU.
The existing files (many) were created on a PC. Tried saving in both compressed and uncompressed on the MAC. No change to the issue.
No sound on Note Entry in any of my existing files.

Attachment Size
04-09-22 13. Champion.mscz 20.7 KB


I'm not convinced this would solve your issue entirely but note that your Narrator/Voice and Baritone don't have "expr" sounds assigned to them while those instruments are SND-capable.
Sometimes this can lead to the behavior you describing (having to click notes before playback works for example).
Also check Synthesizer > Dynamics whether the CC to use is still at 2 (default) or not.

It appears that my audio device (NI Audio 6) must be shown an MIDI Input and Output. Then I get notes sounding on note input; and I don't get the double-strike.

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