Musescore does not want to start on my computer

• May 9, 2022 - 15:05

I own a pc with an intel core i7 11700 cpu, a rtx 2060 gpu, 32 gigs of ram and a high speed boot drive. yet, i cannot believe how it fails to handle musescore 3.

For some reason, the app could take up to 5 minutes to start, and the process is only sped up if i have "Nvidia Geforce Experience" app open in the background. then, my cpu usage shoots up 20% for the whole 5 minutes trying to load up musescore (on a pretty capable cpu). i thought musescore 3 shouldn't take up many resources, but here we are.

While I sound like some gamer trying to sound cool by flexing their specs and complaining about their pc, it is a genuine problem i've encountered for a very long time. (i wonder if my buggy windows 10 install has anything to do with it?)

i attempted to uninstall and reinstall the software multiple times, but it never solved the problem. the thing is, the above issues never happened in older versions (say version "2 point something"). and my pc back then was much slower. (intel core i3 4330, gtx 550 ti)

so yeah. is anyone else experiencing the same issues or is it just me?


Two common causes:
* Do you have custom SFZ soundfonts configured by default (for example having MDL installed)?
* Is your default printer a(n unavailable) network printer?

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