Custom breath marks

• May 14, 2022 - 17:22

Can I have custom breath marks other than the ones in the breath marks palette?
I know I can work around it, but I want to know is there a configuration file with a list of fonts/characters and resourse links or is it compiled in? Or any other way?

Thanks & Cheers


The list symbols available in MuseScore as well as most other notation programs is controlled by the SMuFL standard for music fonts. If it's something found in published music, chances are it's there in the standard, but if not, you'd need to petition the SMuFL folks to add it. Then it would start appearing in fonts for use in notation programs.

There are all sorts of music symbols that are not necessarily intended to be used as breaths but might suit your special-purpose needs here, if the standard breath marks don't. Press "Z" to display the Symbol palette that has the full set of SMuFL symbols. Also note you can select between a variety of different fonts in Format / Style / Score. It's possible some other fonts's standard breath symbols will resemble the look you have in mind,

If nothing else, you can add any symbol you want as an image (SVG or PNG), so if you have some special custom design you prefer, just create that in any drawing program.

If you continue to have trouble, please describe the symbol you want in more detail - ideally with an image from published music - so we can understand and assist better.

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