EZ way to get right number of systems per page

• May 18, 2022 - 04:47

Running 3.6.2 . . . on my Mac. It would be great if I could simply ask musescore to fill each page of my orchestral score intelligently — it would choose spacing, as well as a reasonable number of system per page and bars per system so that it's readable and fills the page. I'd rather not have to deal with millimeters of this and that sort of spacing and those breaks that in my experience don't work reliably. Anything like that available? Or if I could say — please, musescore, here on page 3, give me 2 systems, the top with 5 bars and the bottom with 4. I'd love that.



MuseScore by default does use a reasonable spacing, number of measures per system and system per page.
And system- and page breaks do work too and 100% reliable

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo. If you look at pages 14 and 15 you'll see what I mean. I don't see why they aren't placed on one page. I'm sure it has something to do with how I've set things up, but it's not clear to me how to proceed.

I do think having the option of choosing "add second system to this page" would be helpful.



Attachment Size
Scene_1_Finale.mscz 59.41 KB

In reply to by agroden

I just had the same issue. This might help in the future:
Go to Format>Style>Page> and adjust "Factor for distance between systems," and then adjust Min. and Max. system distances, as well. Or adjusting "Min./Max. staff distance" can help at times.
Worked for me!

I sure am thankful for Forum and the pros and amateurs who help us all get things done on Musescore!!

Or if I could say — please, musescore, here on page 3, give me 2 systems, the top with 5 bars and the bottom with 4. I'd love that.

Ah... if only that were possible. Maybe connect a microphone and try saying it again. ;-)
If that doesn't work, then attaching your score will likely produce better results following the sage advice offered here.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Posted yesterday about a fix for systems per page above.
To change measures per system, top or bottom on a page, can be adjusted by lengthen or shorten stretch of one or more measures. Highlight the measure(s) you want to change by "click + shift/click"and then "control+[" to shorten or "control+]" to lengthen. It's a wonderful tool to fill pages, to get the right number of pages for publication (4, 8, 12, etc.), or to get a page (or pages) full of notation to have consistent spacing of notes, length of measures, etc.
Also: Format>Stretch>Increase..., decrease..., reset... for larger sections of a score!

In reply to by Wesley Cavanaugh

Far easier than this is to use the Group measures or Keep measures together tool on the Layout palette. If you want exactly THESE five (or however many) measures on a system, select them and click this tool under Layout. It will force the measures onto the same system and adjust stretch automatically over the entire group of measures.

According to some posters, using the stretch tool can cause problems. (I've never had any problems with stretch, but that's what some people have said.) In addition, using this Group measures tool is the intended method for doing this.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for mentioning the group measures tool. Looked for the download of MuseScore 3.7 Evolution but couldn't find it.
And I'm crying "Uncle!!" after thinking I was so smart about getting a certain number of measures per page. I've attached a file for a score, 22 pages, with three systems on page 20 when I've gotten four on every other page. for a few hours I've tried everything mentioned on this thread: adjusting scaling, increase/decrease stretch, page and system breaks, changing factor for distance between systems and staff, min. & max. distance between systems and staffs, etc. God forbid I should consider disabling vertical justification of staves.
After looking at the score can you tell me what I'm missing or if there's anything else I could do to get four systems on page 20?

In reply to by Wesley Cavanaugh

I think the reason for the three systems is the fermata + accent + dynamic on the last note of page 20. They all take up space. You also have a page break in that measure which forces the next system onto page 21. But removing the page break has no effect.

If you manage to squeeze 4 systems onto page 20 you will end up with 3 systems on page 21. It's going to be either 3+4 or 4+3 as there are 7 systems to fit onto two pages and Musescore doesn't do half systems. One often (always?) has to compromise when laying out scores. Having just the three systems on that page is a compromise I could live with.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks, SteveBlower! I'm a stickler for sets, consistency, symmetry and all the other synonyms you could come up with to describe an idiosyncrasy. The appearance of a score is as important to me as is the music it represents. I was considering compromising as you suggested but wasn't quite ready to do so. But I think I'll have to.
Thanks for you reply. You may have just changed my life (but maybe not)!

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