Improving the page view size when creating a new score.

• Jun 1, 2022 - 08:53

I'm just starting with Musescore and I am using provided tutorials. How do I increase the page view. It is so small I cannot work with it to enter notes and begin.


Also, though, let's be sure your OS isn't causing MuseScore to simply display everything too small. If you create a new empty score and view it 100%, it should appear on your screen at literally exactly the same sie it would be when printed. So if you hold up a sheet of paper to the display, it should be the same size as the page on screen. Also, are the toolbar and palette icons and other text within the program also small?

Assuming it's not just the score but lots of things that look small, the problem is your OS is lying to MuseScore about your display resolution - this can happen because a lot of programs don't know how to adjust for different resolutions and so the OS tries to adjust for them. But MuseScore does know how to adjust, so you'd need to disable this adjustment in your OS.

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