How can I download sound fonts on the Musescore 3.6.2 unstable version on rollApp?

• Jun 8, 2022 - 06:47

I have Chromebook but not Linux so I use Musescore through rollApp. I've tried downloading sound fonts but they don't appear in the synthesizer. It says it was downloaded but all I see is Musescore_General_sf.3 listed and not the name of the sound font. How can I upload (or can I upload) a sound font on the unstable version of Musescore on rollApp? Thanks.


My understanding is that rollApp runs MuseScore on their own servers, not locally on your machine. So unless you can find a way to get that soundfont file onto their server, there's probably no way to do that. But definitely feel free to reach out to them!

BTW, I'm assuming that you don't have Linux working either because the machine is too old to support it, or it's a device managed by a school or other administrator who has disallowed it? If the former, you may still be able to run Linux via "crouton" (do a web search on for more info) instead of the "crostini" (the "official" Linux facility). If it's administration issue and you haven't tried applying for an exemption, it wouldn't hurt to ask, and explain your usage.

Another possibility, BTW, is to use Chrome Remote Desktop to access some other machine running Windows or macOS, if you have one. I've actually run MuseScore this way and it's not worse than rollApp.

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