MS4 bugs- Force Horizontal Beams, Select multimeasure range

• Jun 11, 2022 - 04:08

The "force horizontal" option in the properties tab does set the beam heights to 0. However, the beam doesn't get redrawn to reflect this on the score until one of the values is manually incremented & re-decremented.

Using shift + arrow keys to select a multi-measure region, then right clicking the region (not an element in it, but the region itself) causes only the measure that the cursor is within to get selected. Is this intentional? It's different than MS3, and I don't know how to open the right click menu on a multimeasure range.


Please mention which version of MS4 you're using. Be aware that the private alpha is already fairly outdated and that the announcement requested for issues at this stage to be reported on Github.

Force horizontal does indeed still seem not fully implemented. I understand there are a few other aspects of the beam algorithms still pending.

I'm not sure what you mean about the selection part, though. For me right-clicking a range selection brings up a context menu that applies to the selection just as I expect (eg, "clear measures" does exactly that). Can you explain in more detail what you are having difficulty with?

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