Changing key stroke entering note values

• Jun 15, 2022 - 18:45

Hi there, I come from another program I am used to-can I change you program, so for example, the letter C is an 8th note and D be a quarter note etc. I don't need to input using C as the one C or D as the note D-Let me know-I tried changing but it wouldn't let me in shrrtcuts


In reply to by jeetee

Hey! Wow I thought nobody would get back to me. Thank you for getting back to me I’m excited! Yeah it wouldn’t let me ,it says it’s interfering with something else and then I would find the something else and cancel the something else but it still wouldn’t let me. I actually come from different programs which have different keystrokes which I’m so used to. It just seems that this should be an easy one to do. I know it cancels other Moves but I don’t use those other moves. Don’t know what to do. It would be a game changer for me that I could move over to this program I think. Again thanks for getting back to me. Tom

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It's not the most user friendly approach, but the way to fix this is to then:
1. Cancel out of the dialog
2. Highlight the conflicting shortcut action (use the search filter for convenience)
3. Press the "clear" button in the bottom bar to remove the existing shortcut definition for it
4. Retry to apply your wanted shortcut

Some shortcuts (especially those for duration/note input) have multiple actions linked to it, so you might get a new conflict when retrying. In that case, simply follow those same steps again until all conflicts are resolved.

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The letter names like "C' are linked to two distinct commands you'd need to first clear: "Add fret 2 to current string (TAB only)" and "Enter note C". Once you do clear those, you'd be able to assign "C" to be "Note duration: eighth", etc.

However, that said, I will offer some (unsolicited, but meant in the friendliest possible way) advice. In the long run, I think you will likely find it easier to relearn some shortcuts than to constantly fight battles of trying to make MuseScore act more like another program. Especially given you would then have to repeat that work on the next major update, which is planned for a few months from now. I think you'll find there are still many other differences between notation programs that you can't smooth over with shortcut redefinitions, plus when asking for help here or looking up info, you'll constantly have to "translate" the advice you're given. Ultimately you may find it is simpler to adapt. At least that's what I found when switching from Finale (after around 20 years of use!) to MuseScore 1.0 (around 10 years ago). A few weeks of pulling teeth, and then somehow it clicked, and I started forgetting how to do things in Finale. I'm not saying it is always the same for everyone, but it's worth considering.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc! Great advice. And I love the
‘in the friendliest possible way” My problem may be that I can outdo your numbers by saying the program I’m using I have used since system 9.2 in the Mesozoic era. It might be too late for me to adapt but I wanted to give it a try just to see. This program looks fantastic and I can see if you’re definitely starting with this as a notation program I think it would be an amazing improvement over other programs. However I’m going to keep watching the videos and see if an old dog can learn a new trick. Again thanks man!

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Hi Jm, well the answer to that is the program I use is a program from I think the late 80s. When I started writing it was way back then, actually in the 60s I’m afraid to say. It was in the 80s when professional composer came out and then a program called music came out and that’s the program I still use. The problem is they stop supporting this so many years ago and I’m using computers from the 90s to survive but I’m used to it. So to answer your question they really hadn’t put in anything where you could tap the key and it would play that pitch again, this was is the Mesozoic era . But it was so necessary for me to do this back then because my scores in my handwriting were so bad that I jumped on the notation programs as soon as they were available. If I was a young guy now starting out I think muse score would be great but I think I have too many old bad habits! Thank you for asking however

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