new and very frequent crashes version 3.6,2

• Jun 24, 2022 - 02:06

I've been using revision 3224f34 under Windows 10 for several months at least with no issues. Roughly two weeks ago I suddenly started getting frequent crashes when editing scores, doing simple things like adding a note, adding an accidental to an existing note, or editing a chord symbol. By "frequent" I mean after creating/editing two or three elements: this is so frequent that the program is more or less unusable. The only clue I can point to is this: In normal operation when placing a series of notes with the cursor, there is a moveable blue note at the cursor position. When that note is placed down it remains blue and another moveable note appears; when that second note is placed down the prior note turns from blue to black. When the crash happens, no second moveable note appears after placing the first note, and the first note remains blue. At this point the only thing that can be done is close the program. When this problem appeared I'd not made any changes to the program for several months, at least that I'm aware of. Could this be somehow related to a windows update? Thanks for any help.


It certainly could be a Windows uypdate has broken something in your audio driver. Or it could be the score itself has been corrupt, or it could be you've loaded a bad soundfont - lots of possibilities. Best course of action would be to post one of the scores where you see this behavior, also tell us what soundfont(s) you are using, what audio devices, etc. If it's possible to find precise steps to reproduce the issue, that would be ideal.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

To reproduce the problem, add or edit notes on the guitar staff of the attached file; the program should lock up after entering just a few notes. (The problem happens with every score I've tried to edit in the past few weeks.) I'm using PortAudio with Windows WDM-KS API and bluetooth speakers. I'm using the default soundfont; there's nothing in the soundfont folder. Thanks for the help.

Attachment Size
Here's_That_Rainy_Day_VLex1.mscz 20.75 KB

In reply to by keith.w.forsyth

New info: I just re-opened the file and did some additional editing, but this time with no crashes after 8 bars. The difference was that I had the Bluetooth speakers turned on, whereas in prior edits where frequent crashes occurred the speakers were turned off since I had no need to hear playback. I don't get why having the speakers off would cause a crash, but I doubt this is a coincidence.

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