Bass, Lyrics, & Chords - Perhaps too much to ask?

• Jul 7, 2022 - 23:28

What I would like to end up with is the main bass line presented on a bass clef staff, properly positioned lyrics to the songs, and properly positioned chords. In order to have properly positioned lyrics, I have to create a vocal stave with the melody and link the lyrics to those notes. In order to have properly positioned chords, I have to create the musical stave and link the chords to the proper notes. However, I don't want the melody or musical staves to be visible in the final product. I tried making the notes invisible and choosing the "hide the empty staves" option, but the staves don't actually disappear for some reason; and if they did, they would probably take the lyrics and chords away with them. Does anybody have any ideas, or is this perhaps too much to ask?

The "Vienna Full" attachment is the full score. In the the "Vienna Practice" attachment, I was able to reduce the bass clef notes to the main bass line and get rid of the treble clef notes by deleting them and choosing the "Hide the empty staves" option. Now, I just need to get rid of the melody stave and end up with just the properly formatted lyrics and chords (and bass clef stave) .

Thank you for your help and advice.

Attachment Size
Vienna Full.mscz 30.47 KB
Vienna Practice.mscz 24.93 KB


In reply to by SteveBlower

Thank you for your reply. I've tried hiding the stave by unchecking the visible option in the instruments dialog box, but that also takes away the lyrics and chords, linked to those notes, that I want to keep. I also tried the "hide empty staves" option in the score properties after making the notes invisible, but for some reason, not all of the staves are hidden; the bars and lines are still visible, and even if I make them invisible under the staff/part properties, the space and the key signature remain (not everything is hidden as desired).

However, I think I may have found a solution. It wasn't easy or convenient, but it seems to work; although, there may be a simpler way. I've attached a copy of what I ended up with.

Attachment Size
Vienna Bass, Chords, Lyrics.mscz 24.58 KB

In reply to by barbarossa@peo…

If that's the result you wish to end up with, I think the way you have it is excellent. But it could be you ended up taking far more steps than are actually required. Like, if you didn't use the Selection Filter to help you hide all the voice 1 notes all at once while not affecting voice 2 or the text. Producing this type of result shouldn't take more than a few extra seconds. So if you need further help, just explain in more detail what you were having trouble finding an easy / convenient way of doing. but I'm guessing it's the hiding the of the notes, and the Selection Filter is the answer. In particular, Ctrl+A to select all, exclude voice 2 and also lyrics in the Selection Filter (EDIT: originally there was a typo and I accidentally wrong "Inspector"), then press V to hide what remains selected - the voice 1 notes. Actually, somewhat more efficient would be to have entered the voices the other way around - having everything you want to see in voice 1, and the things you want hidden in voice 2.

Hide empty staves is for something different - it's for making a literally empty staff completely disappear from the score. That's intended more for ensemble scores where some instruments don't play the whole time. it's not really relevant here that I can see.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the reply.

One of the things that was an issue was that some of the slur marks and triplet notations and beams didn't go invisible with the rest of the notes and all for some reason. I had to choose each of those things individually (using the CTRL button) and make them invisible. I guess it must be a fluke. After figuring that out, I simply added the bass line.

How does one select multiple measures of only one voice when there are multiple voices in them (aside from using the CTRL button)?

Thanks, again, for the thoughtful response.

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