Note input in score not transferring to parts

• Jul 15, 2022 - 01:22

Hey Gang,

So I'm working on percussion music for my students and the notes I'm writing in the score aren't transferring to the individual parts. Mostly seems to be an issue for the xylo/rack and drum rack parts. Sometimes the parts transfer and sometimes they dont. Not sure why or whats happening?

It might be because I'm doing lots of detailed work with a massive score? This is the first time I've had my program do this much heavy lifting, and it might be a bug. If anyone knows why or whats going on, please let me know.

Attachment Size
The Trail 01.xml 2.25 MB


Normally of course it should work. In order to understand and assist, we'd need you to attach the score itself - the MSCZ file - and give precise steps to reproduce the problem (eg, which notes to add into which measure of which staff).

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