Release of 3.6 via the apt?

• Jul 16, 2022 - 02:05

Hello, is Musescore 3.6 going to be released via the apt? I finally upgraded to Musescore 3 today and was looking forward to trying out the engraving options, but the most recent version available on the apt seems to be 3.2.3. Is there a different package name for it of which I'm unaware?


In reply to by G.J.O.

Linux distribution maintainers are in chanrge of their own builds, so you'd have to ask the mainainter of yours if they plan to update it.

The fact that most don't keep up to date is why we develop, test, and support the AppImage. It can be easily downloaded and installed (via the "install" command line option) so it works just like other installed apps. And as you're seeing, it's updated far more reliably that distribution repositories are. Is there another reason you prefer not using AppImages?

In reply to by larryz

That's an experimental PR, not part of any release on any OS. It's something individual users are welcome to try at their own risk. But definitely, distribution maintainers should not be including that, until/unless there is ever an official 3.6.3 or 3.7 release and this PR is used as the basis for it. That's not seeming very likely at this point with MuseScore 4 becoming more imminent. Would have been a fine idea a year ago!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My reasons include that, as far as I'm aware, there is no way to actually install an AppImage? It's just an executable file, so one has either to open it from the file every time (which is inconvenient) or to mess around with .desktop files to give it an icon in the taskbar that doesn't tie properly with the opened application, for reasons I have not yet been able to discern. Additionally, they don't automatically update (at least not without installing yet more software, but I'm not sure if the Musescore AppImage supports updates or not), and updates have to be done separately from updating everything else via the apt. I understand their benefits for developers, but user-wise they don't have a lot going for them, in my opinion.

I'm not against using an AppImage if no other option exists, and do have one on my computer at the moment, but as long as Musescore is available via the apt (even if slightly out of date) I'd prefer to use that — I don't consider the update important enough to completely reinstall it from another source, only to ask if the version I have will ever receive it. I'll get all the new features whenever Musescore 4 releases :)

In reply to by G.J.O.

See my comment above - the MuseScore AppImage can be installed by simply running it from the command line with the "install" option. This automatically does the necessary desktop integration. As for not updating, as you can see, it's actually quite the opposite - it's the repositories that don't stay up to date. Automatic updates are useful only if they are actually provided. So if the goal is to stay current, AppImage is the way to do.

User-wise, the advantage is exactly that - you get the current version the day it's released, not months or years later when a repository decides to make it available. And it's a build that was produced and tested by the developers, and is thus generally much more likely to actually work correctly and not have issues where incorrect compile flags were used etc (something that is very often an issue with third party builds - various obscure builds caused by having been built incorrectly).

Beyond that, there are literally thousands of bugs fixed and pretty amazing new functionality you're missing out on by still using a years-old version.

To me, that seems worth the extra 5 minutes of time it would take to install the AppImage :-)

In reply to by G.J.O.

To be clear: when I say run it from the command line with the :"install" option, I mean very literally, type the word "install" after the name of the AppImage on the command line. Like this:

./MuseScore-3.6.2.AppImage install

It handles the rest from there. This is also as documented in the articles linked above.

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