Page format

• Aug 24, 2022 - 21:49

Just loaded MuseScore 3.2.6 and using it for the first time. I'm trying to set up a Bass Clef page with only 4 measures per line; 4 lines per page. Cannot seem to figure out how to do it. Can you help, please.?

Attachment Size
Test Score.mscz 6.46 KB


I haven't had a chance to look at your score as I am not at my PC just now. However, here are some tips which I hope will be helpful.

> Musescore generally takes care of layout automatically. Don't start messing with layout until you have entered the notation.

> To get 4 measures per system select measure 4 and add a system break by pressing return. Repeat for measures, 8, 22, 16 ... etc. See…

> Note that 4 measures will only fit on one line (system in MuseScore terms) if they are small enough to fit. If they don't fit you would need to increase your page size or reduce the margin size or reduce the staff space scaling so that everything is smaller.

> The most important tip for newcomers: read the handbook

Good luck, and come back for more help if mine was not sufficient.

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