Consolidating Measures of rests

• Sep 2, 2022 - 03:45

So for my MUED class we have to basically recreate a part given to us. I've consolidated every other measure of rest except for the C section and I can't seem to figure it out. Any help?

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MUED_Project_1.pdf 53.59 KB


The "C" section isn't empty - you've added a bunch of quarter rests, so the measures aren't considered empty Just select that passage and hit Delete to remove them and replace them with ordinary measure rests.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Surely not a bug but by design.

If a user has entered individual rests in a measure, the presumption should be that the user wants them to be seen. MuseScore shouldn't assume that what user did is not what the user intended - even if it probably isn't what the user intended in most cases.

In reply to by SteveBlower


// validMMRestMeasure
//    return true if this might be a measure in a
//    multi measure rest
static bool validMMRestMeasure(const LayoutContext& ctx, Measure* m)
            // measure is not empty if there is more than one rest
            if (n > 1) {
                return false;

It is not picking on full measure rests only though

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

True about full measure rest vs any other single rest (eg, a whole rest in 4/4, a half rest in 2/4, etc. That much is probably just a little bit of programming laziness, but it also could be desired behavior. After all, in some time signatures like 4/2, people do often like to show an actual duration rest (breve) instead of the full measure rest. But probably not something that comes up often.

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