Moving the entire score lower (from top of page)

• Sep 17, 2022 - 04:04

I’m happy to say that I’ve completed my first MuseScore piece of sheet music. After printing it, I’ve decided I’d like to move the entire score down (except for the copyright at the bottom). There are four staves of music and lyrics below the last staff. Can this be done? I want to just click and drag it down but I realize that isn’t an option with MuseScore. Is there a way to do what I’m trying to do? Thanks in advance.


Assuming you have a title frame, you can select it and then use the Inspector to adjust the margins to your taste. Or you can just drag the bottom edge of the frame.

In reply to by ellenallard

It it's literally just the title, adjusts its offset in the Inspector.

Chances are from your description there might be more going on here, because normally you wouldn't normally need to move things down piece by piece like this. Like, maybe you really just want a larger page margin (Format / Page Settings). If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and say what you want to do differently, and we can understand and assist better.

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