Issue with importing midi that has 16th note triplets

• Sep 17, 2022 - 23:14

Hi all,

So I have imported this pretty fast part, and I've tried to do my best to clean up the midi so that its one nice single voice, with durations very clean and ending where they should. However, what imports into musescore is a very janky and wobby version of this, where the tuplets are not recognized properly. This can be seen at the end of bar 1, end of bar 2, etc. The first half of each bar is right. What causes this behavior? I have attached images of my setup.

I actually was able to overcome this by checking 'is human performance' but that does not sit right with me. This is not at a human performance, it is a carefully quantized and constructed piano riff. I will use that solution if I need to, but I'd really like to understand what I might be doing wrong with the import, or maybe this just doesnt work well for 16th or 32nd triplet notes?

I've got simply durations on, and removed 7 from my list of tuplets to search for since it was erroneously creating septuplets where I didn't want also.

Just looking to get a better understanding of this import feature.

Attachment Size
issue_midi.png 34.68 KB
issue_score.png 53.28 KB


Hard to say much from just pictures, but if you attach the MIDi in question, someone may be able to investigate. In general, MIDi isn't well suited for conveying notation information, and even well-quantized, it's often just not sufficient.

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