Page break makes one long measure
So the song I have had 4 systems on the first page but only two on the second. I thought I would put a page break after the 3rd system, but there is a lot of white space. Is there a way to get Musescore to put in more systems, but bigger? For example instead of the usual 4 or 5 measures per line, why not 3 and more systems?
Edit: I tried to edit the topic of this post but was unable to change it.
Format >Page settings >Scaling will make everything larger.
Format >Add/Remove System Breaks allows you to set, say, 3 measures per system.
In reply to Format >Page settings … by underquark
Ah, this brings up something I've run up against before. How do you remove a page break? There is no indication even though I have show invisibles checked. When I scale up, I end up with three pages with just one system on the second page (because of the page break, I guess).
In reply to Ah, this brings up… by edurbrow
Click on the page break and press the [Del] key, or right-click and choose Delete from the menu.
In reply to Ah, this brings up… by edurbrow
Breaks visibility is toggled with the "show unprintable" option, not the "show invisible" one.
In reply to Breaks visibility is toggled… by jeetee
Good to know. Thank you very much.