Linked Windows in Selected Parts

• Oct 6, 2022 - 00:45

Often when I am engraving parts within a score, I like to have instruments that are largely playing together (i.e., horns in a jazz/funk band, piano & bass) to have a similar layout to their charts, so that the trumpet player could lean over to the sax and easily find his way through the chart and address discrepancies when there's no director to do that (as is very often the case).

A great feature (for me) would be to have the ability to link two parts at will, and when I drag one around, the other moves the same way, so that I could easily see where things are the same and where they differ.


You wrote: that the trumpet player could lean over to the sax and easily find his way through the chart ...

Isn't that what rehearsal marks and measure numbers are for? ...and system text like "Intro." or "Bridge"?

I like to have instruments that are largely playing together... to have a similar layout to their charts...

The word "similar" is too general in meaning. The devil is in the details. It's necessary to explain to a computer (when designing the feature) precisely what properties of the layout you want to be "similar".
(Nonetheless, generated parts can presently be tweaked individually.)

A great feature (for me) would be to have the ability to link two parts at will, and when I drag one around, the other moves the same way,

Again, too vague... drag one what around? ...drag a part around?

Can you attach a score and explain in detail what particular modifications to a part you wish to be "linked" to a different part?

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