When I try to fit score into page, lyrics and dynamics collide with staves despite having room to fit.

• Oct 13, 2022 - 22:49

If the lyrics in the staff with collisions are moved down, then lyrics for a different staff move up and then collide. If I revert the page settings the collisions mostly disappear, but then only half the parts fit on the page. I also tried removing spacers, but then the lyrics collide with information in lower staves... even just moving individual pieces displaces seemingly unrelated symbols, like some three staves and four measures away.

Also, the score is incomplete, as I was trying to print it to show to my professor for feedback to help me finish writing it. I spent seven hours yesterday looking up all the possible solutions on the forum and on reddit to try and fix it and nothing has worked so far...

Please help me! I'm tearing out my hair.

Attachment Size
Stars and Shells.mscz 37.85 KB
Screenshot 2022-10-13 144911.png 30.69 KB


When importing the score from an older version you had chosen to not enable automatic placement for it, All I did here is removed the spacers at the start and enabled the default automatic placement (which is mainly vertical collision avoidance).

Attachment Size
335900-Stars and Shells.mscz 33.58 KB

In reply to by jeetee

I'm a bit confused, because I didn't import the score at all. I only just started writing it last week, and first downloaded MuseScore three weeks ago.

That said, this is looking correct, so I'll look more into this! Thank you!

I am noticing that the dynamic symbols are considerable smaller on the corrected score. Any idea why that is?

In reply to by jfornierhanlo

Hmm, something is pretty serious wrong then. Somehow automatic placement definitely got turned off, and that wouldn't normnally be possible for brand new scores without going really far out of your way. Did you maybe start from a template you got from someone else?

Also, you seem to have donwloaded MuseScore from a very outdated website - the version you are using is several years old. You should only be downloading from this site here, not third party websites like Linux repositories or Microsoft stores etc. So best to uninstall that and install the current version (3.6.2) from this site instead.

In reply to by jfornierhanlo

I am not sure what you did to attempt to tun automatic placement on, but that pciture shows you did not accomplish it. Whatever you did to disable it before wasn't just for one or two elements here and there - you totally and completely disabled for the entire score - basically tells MuseScore to just dump all the notes and markings into a big pile that you'd out sort manually later. Which is why it looks like such a mess - . And as I said, it shoudln't have been possiuble for you to created that mess so easily. It requires digging several levels deep into dualog boxes to define a cusotm shortcut for the undocumented command to completely disable autoplace, and then go and execute that command. Is that what you did? If not, then we definitely need to understand how you score got into this state.

But it's not just that autoplace is off, it's also that a whole bunch of elements have been moved out their default positions to created collisions that never should have happened. Like, there's no reaosn at all for the lrycis to overlap the notes, even with autoplace off. It's the fact that that all the lyrics have explict offsets that is the issue there; autoplace won't overrie that. So not only do you need to turn autoplace back on, but you also need to reset all those incorrect manual adjustments.

So again, understanding how this score got into such a messed up state would be important in directing you in how to repair it.

In reply to by SteveBlower

FWIW, in the initial 3.0 release, it's true automatic placement was mostly disabled in continuous view for efficiency. Over the new few releases, gradually aspects of it were added back as we figured out ways to do it quickly enough. As of 3.6.2, it should work almost completely. The problem here is that it seems to have been completely disabled in this score - probably as a result of a bad choice during import from an older version as mentioned. As soon as it is re-enabled, the collisions go away, even in continuous view.

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