
• Nov 2, 2022 - 17:53

Richard Watson
Nov 2, 2022, 12:04 GMT+1

Hi. First off I think you have a great program. I would appreciate your help in solving a problem I am having with the enclosed page, on very old and fragile paper. As you can see I have got as far as the 3 bar break. Trying to go further has been impossible as trying to add anything further only increases the number of break bars. On the Musescore sheet at the end of the 3 bar break the bar line should be two thin lines and not as shown. I have tried all sorts of different methods to overcome the problems and copy the rest of the sheet but to no avail. Also I have consulted the manual which I downloaded and had no luck with that either. I have asked friends who use MS a lot and they had no luck. On another point how do I delete a sheet or score that I no longer need? Thanks for any help. Regards Mr Watson

Attachment Size
scx12261.mscz 16.03 KB
img044.jpeg 258.56 KB


You wrote:
Trying to go further has been impossible as trying to add anything further only increases the number of break bars.

The keyboard shortcut 'M' toggles multimeasure rests on/off. If you are still entering notes and/or adding measures to the score, toggle it off until you are done so you don't keep adding more measures to the multimeasure rest.

You wrote:
On the Musescore sheet at the end of the 3 bar break the bar line should be two thin lines and not as shown.

Click on that bar line to select it and then, in the 'Barlines' palette, click on the 'Double barline'.
See attachment.

Attachment Size
Solo_Bb_clarinet.mscz 17.58 KB

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