Delay & Reverb in Musescore 4 (Musesounds)

• Nov 5, 2022 - 01:27

Hey guys, got Musescore 4; wanted to try it out. When ever I use the play back feature an effect like reverb applies to all of the notes. I don't like it, is their anyway to turn it off, or is it just a beta thing?

Musesounds sounds great, but adding notes is awkward; a noticeable delay always occurs and it really just ruins it for me. If you got any solutions or even just ways round this, it would be much appreciated.


MuseScore 4 is not released for general consumption. If you are using an alpha, beta, or some other pre-release:
which states:
"We strongly prefer issues to be reported on GitHub until we release MS4 (this requires a GitHub account):
Alternatively, you can submit any issues you find on our issue tracker:"

Also, in these MuseScore 3 forums:
look for this:
Development and Technology Preview
Discussing the developing MuseScore and the development builds...

The reverb is built in and currently no way to turn it off, although that's planned for a future update.

The glitchy playback while entering notes is something being worked on. I find it best to not use Muse Sounds while entering notes, but only when basically done with note input for a given staff.

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