Unable to position fretboard diagrams in new fretboard palette

• Nov 14, 2022 - 13:11

I am new to Musescore.

Using 24 imac, ventura 13 and musescore 3.6.2

I have created an additional fretboard diagram palette.

I have been able to organise and position the diagrams by showing the grid. Then positioning the cells, by right clicking on the cell and editing the cell properties.

However on he same computer I have now created an additional work station, downloaded and installed the same version of musescore 3.6.2 and transferred my scores on line. I have created another fretboard diagram palette but i am unable to postion the diagrams in the palette.

The problem is that when I right lick on the fretboard diagram it turns blue but I dont get the option of cell properties to adjust the positions.

The problem same occurs for all cell in all palettes,

Any suggestions welcome



It's not clear what you mean about adjusting cell properties - that shouldn't normally be needed at all. Unless perhaps when you are adding your diagrams to the palette, they had a manual adjustment applied to them for some reason? Best to not do that - elements added to the palette should have zero offset. And they shouldn't normally have offsets in the score either. Best to attach the score you are working from and describe the issue in more detail, also showing screenshots.

But also, be sure your mouse isn't set to send regular clicks when using the right button.

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