Muse Hub Soundfont Downloads - Individual Instruments?

• Nov 18, 2022 - 22:21

I greatly appreciate all the work that's been put into MS4--the new interface looks amazing, and I'm excited to use the new soundfonts. Unfortunately (and this may not be a widespread problem) I simply don't have the disk space to download even the ones I foresee using regularly, and upgrading my hard drive or my laptop isn't really an option for me right now.

Is there any way to enable users to download only specific instruments rather than entire sections of an orchestra? While I realize demand for this may be extremely low, I'm currently prevented from using the new software because of it.


Not currently possible. But, keep in mind - you don't need to replace your entire drive. $20 will get you a brand new external drive you can put Muse Sounds onto. Also, of course, you can use the software even without Muse Sounds.

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