Musescore 4 drum soundfont sounds over saturated?

• Dec 11, 2022 - 21:52

for some reason the drums sound awful in the app, but fine when exporting. tempo also seems to be a problem? the playback in app is always slow, but upon exporting, sounds normal. this problem has continued after re downloading musescore 4.

app playback: (no plugins, newly downloaded, default settings)

app exported


Don't forget that V4 is very much a work in progress. I work with the nightly versions. For a while, playback was not very good. Then it was OK. Now it is back to not being very good. That's the way it goes. Export is usually good. I find that there is too much reverb. And the trumpet and horn sounds are not very good. But that's to be expected in beta software. You will be encouraged to report issues on github.

In reply to by bobjp

FWIW, the software is due to be released very soon, it's well past the point of being "beta' only. Not sure what issue you are encountering with horn or trumpet, but as you say, be sure to report any issues you find over on GitHub, and be sure to include specific examples so the developers can reproduce the problem you are perceiving. For me, the horn and trumpet sounds in Muse Sounds are two of the strongest in the collection. The MS Basic sounds are identical to MuseScore 3.

Seems like there is some sort of installation or compatibility issue unique to your system. As mentioned, best to open an issue on GitHub and describe your system specs in more detail. I suspect that whatever you are hearing with the drum sounds is just a side effect of the overall speed issues. On some systems, everything plays too fast; I think yours is the first report I've heard of things playing too slow.

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