writing for voice, but with different playback sound

• Dec 13, 2022 - 02:38

I am relatively new to MuseScore. Used to use Finale.
I am writing for my male a cappella group. I want 5 parts...a lead voice, then Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bari and Bass. I want these to be the labels when i print the part.
When I playback, I do not like the "voice" sound. It is way too reverb-y. I can't make out the individual notes. It is not helpful. Unless i can change the sound of the "voice", I want to have another instrument for playback. When i used to use Finale, I used the sound of tenor saxophones for all the male voice parts. It worked very well. I could change the label to what i wanted.

But i want to write as if for an instrument in the key of C. Not a transposing instrument.
Often, I am copying some notes from a piece of music that is not transposed. When i used Finale, i could write as if for a voice (not a transposing instrument), but have it sound as a tenor saxophone.
Can i do this in MuseScore?
I have tried using instruments in "C", like a flute, but they are not as clear in playback as i want.
How can i write as if for voice, getting the correct labels when finished, but hearing the tenor sax for playback while writing? (Please tell me this is possible...)


Just found it! It's in the mixer. I can label the part one name, and have it sound as another. Phew!

But I have lost the way to change the part name...I thought i had it earlier. I want there to be a Tenor 1 and a tenor 2, but they are both just Tenor now. And I cant remember how to change the name from Voice to Lead...so many questions!

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