Tuplets bug - cannot create triplet over 5 quavers

• Dec 13, 2022 - 14:57

Trying to create a triplet (crotchets) over the duration of 5 quavers in a 4/4 bar. Yes, it's Jazz.

Seems impossible to do.
Tried selecting the range, that doesn't work.
Tried adding a double augmentation dot to a minim rest, that doesn't work either.
Screenshot 2022-12-14 015455.png
Closest I can get is the tripled over the minim, but that leaves an unwanted quaver at the end of the bar.
Screenshot 2022-12-14 015559.png

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Surely from a usability standpoint, it would be easier to select a range and then apply a tuplet over that range rather than just applying a tuplet to each selected note in the range as is currently the case. What about using an "Alt-Select" mechanism to provide users with the option? Also tuplet ranges across barlines would be extremely useful.

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