Musescore 4 Palette scale (quit to desktop and stuck at 0)

• Dec 14, 2022 - 23:33

Issue 1: Musescore 4 quits do desktop when you enter "0" for "palette scale" and the open a palette.
Issue 2: palette scale is now locked in at 0 whenever opening Musescore 4

----- My steps -----
I changed the "palette scale" to 0.
Obviously palettes looked weird after that.
Also, when you then open a new palette, MS4 quits to desktop.
(FYI, with negative numbers, they CAN be opened, but still look weird)

Changing scale back to 1 and closing the palettes and opening them again fixes the issue - FOR THAT SESSION.
When closing and opening Musescore 4, the scale is always reset to 0, the palettes broken.

Kind regards

Attachment Size
palette scale 0 when opening MS4.png 121.44 KB


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