Smooth Glissando/Pitch Adjustment (Musescore 4)

• Dec 18, 2022 - 07:39

Hey, I was in Musescore 4 trying out my old compositions and seeing what they sound like. I can't find a way to edit my Glissando to be Portamento. In Musescore 3 you could just edit your Gliss through the inspect function but in Musescore 4 that functionality has been removed in the property window. I'm very confused because of the different layouts of things and I couldn't find any information on this topic.

Similarly, I couldn't find any way of self-adjusting the pitching of notes (adding cents to the notes to create Microtonal Intervals).

I get that Musescore 4 has only been out for a little bit but I wasn't sure if anyone could help or has these functionalities have been completely stripped from the program.

Thanks for the help in advance!

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image_2022-12-18_180437099.png 11.31 KB


Hi! According to the image you provided, you're super close to getting a portamento gliss. Just look upwards a bit and click "Playback", then click which style of glissando you want (in your case, "Portamento").
I don't know how to adjust the exact cents of notes. Sorry I can't help you there!

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 8.10.51 PM.png 93.5 KB

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