Musescore 4 Brass Muting?

• Dec 20, 2022 - 21:06

In past versions, to mute a brass insturment, one would have to make staff text and edit the properties to make it change the playback sound to muted. in Musescore 4, there is a "Mute" text in the "Text" palette, but it doesn't seem to change the instuments to a muted sound, and even if it did work, there's no way to differentiate between different types of mutes (Straight, Harmon, Etc.). Additionally, the "+" articulation in the "Articulations" Palette should mute when used on a french horn and it does not change the sound, much like the text. Am I missing something, or is this some type of bug?
I do love all of the new improvements, but this is something i'm confused about.


Same issue here! Just downloaded Musescore 4 and the new sounds and right away I noticed the sounds of the brass voices didn't change at all when I marked mute. I'm guessing they haven't gotten that far? It would also explain why the string tremolos sound terrible. Why would they release a whole new set of voices when they're clearly not ready for prime time?

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