MuseScore 4 - Multivoice/Multidirection Playback

• Dec 22, 2022 - 22:50


Is it possible in MuseScore 4 to have different voices in the same staff play different techniques/directions simultaneously in playback? For example, I would like voice 1 of the 1st violins to play arco while voice 2 of the 1st violins to play pizzicato. Since they removed the edit "staff text properties" option for specific text, I have not been able to find a way to do this. I know that notation-wise, I just have to move the text into the desired staff, but I am looking for playback capabilities. Any help would be much appreciated!


At the moment, no: you currently have to add an additional instrument of the same type and have arco and pizz on separate lines and instruments for playback. (I've also come up against this when moving some of my orchestrations from MS3 to MS4.) You could still use the combined stave in your part, but you would probably have to hide that one and untick Play in Properties for all of its notes.

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