Instrument names language

• Dec 25, 2022 - 11:43

The language of instrument names is depending on application language. That's the very wrong decision. I'm Polish and I'm stuck with Italian names. That results with "Chitarra basso" or "Batteria" instead of "Bass Guitar" and "Drumset" (or instead of "Gitara basowa" and "Zestaw perkusyjny"). That also results with things like "V-ni" in place of "Vln. I" / "Vn 1", etc.

I understand that they use Italian names in classical music, but lots of pop/jazz/modern musicians use English (and even Polish in some cases) names. We should have an option to set the language for the score OR for the application OR to set it in the [Add or remove instruments]/[Choose Instruments] window. And maybe the list of instruments should be user defined (with an easy option to load/save to file)?

For now I need to set the app language to English to create the score I want, or even to find the correct instrument :/ . Unexperienced users/musicians will not like it.

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instruments.png 67.25 KB


"The language of instrument names is depending on application language. That's the very wrong decision. "
I don't understand. The instruments are translated in every language available. What you are reporting is a bug in the Polish version. If you change the language of the application, the instrument are shown in the chosen language. Italian is not the default language for the instruments name.
In the attached, Spanish version instruments names.

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1.png 55.12 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It depends on convention. If I write classical piece for the orchestra, I use Italian names. If I write anything modern, I use English names.

In fact I'm on Dorico and Sibelius, and I also can use English language for MuseScore when I rarely work in it. But students or musicians with less experience choose Polish language and then they're sticked to Italian names. And that's bad both for MuseScore and for them.

Wouldn't it be better option to choose instruments' language convention independently of system/program language...?

In reply to by MuseScore Polska

How to change default instrument names in Polish language to English names
Download this ts file from the GitHub repo. Next, open the downloaded ts file in the Notepad app, replace from language="en" to language="pl" and save this file. Download the Qt Linguist, open in the Qt Linguist (the app is named: linguist.exe) this saved ts file, and export a new qm file with instruments_pl.qm filename. Replace the file in the directory.
You can convert any file from this repo to your language preferences.

You can manually edit instrument names in Staff/Part Properties. Double click on the instrument name or right click on the staff and select Staff/Part properties. Or alternatively click on the gear next to the instrument under Layout (formerly "Instruments").

It's not very intuitive to find and that's the real issue here. And it would be nice, as you say, to just change the default names of instruments.

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