How to add Pedal markings without a line or asterisk in v4?

• Dec 27, 2022 - 04:05

In v4, the Pedal styles have lines with various styles, or a terminating asterisk with/without connecting line from the Ped text. There is no style sans line or termination.

1. Drag the line back to less than the length of the word Ped. However I have found that copying this around or re-applying it as a style sometimes has the line reappearing (at random lengths), so there is no time-saving.
2. Write Pedal manually. However this is aesthetically incompatible with the usage of other Ped markings with lines/terminations. It's also not a good future-proofing against active Pedal markings.

NB the option box to hide the line calls the terminating symbol a rosette, rather than an asterisk which is the term used in the tool-tip.


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