Musescore 4 crashes when using Behringer UMC404HD audio interface

• Dec 30, 2022 - 14:23

Adding to other reports I've seen that Musescore 4 will not open if Behringer UMC404HD audio interface is enabled as the output device on my HP i7 with Win 10. When I disable it and make the computer's sound card the default output, then Musescore 4 will open. With 4 open, when I enable Behringer, 4 immediately quits. No similar problems when using Musescore 3.6.2 on this computer.


I have noticed that changing anything about computer level audio output while MS4 is running will cause it to quit. What is your sample rate set to? I've had to lower mine a few notches. Also, uncheck "Exclusive Mode". I've had to do that for other notation software.

In reply to by bobjp

YES! Nailed it. Thank you so much!

I forgot that every so often some event whisks through my computer that changes the sample settings in Windows sound. (Like, maybe, installing MuseScore 4?) I checked and indeed needed to reset the Behringer settings in Windows Sound Settings to what's been working on MuseScore 3 ... "2 channel, 24 bit, 44100 HZ (Studio Quality)" and then MuseScore 4 was able to start up and play. I also unchecked "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" in Windows settings. I also, just to reduce variables, disabled Behringer's "Out 3-4" and "Out 1-4", keeping only "Out 1-2" enabled in Windows Sound Settings.

Side note -- If resetting all this in Windows Sound had NOT worked, next I would have disabled Behringer interface in Windows Sound Settings, enabled the computer's internal sound card, and started up MuseScore 4 (using the computer's internal sound card, which offered no trouble) and checked the Preferences -- I/O settings on MuseScore 4 to see what it was expecting for an audio interface, and changed it there if necessary. But when, after getting the Window's side of the settings uniform, MuseScore 4 started -- a clue that all was about to be well -- I was not surprised to see its I/O settings said "System Default" ... so it had already coached itself to be happy. The only other item in the MuseScore 4 I/O "Output device" drop-down was "Behringer Out 1-2" which was now the default on my computer. Correct-o-mun-do, that.

I'm a little puzzled that MuseScore 3 continued to work fine through all this .... Happy to report both 3 and 4 seem okay now.

Again, THANKS MUCH! Write on... ♫♪

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