Publishing in Musescore community

• Jan 3, 2023 - 17:36

This may sound a as ridiculous and vague question, but I would like to know what are the advantages of publishing a work in musescore? And I would also like to know about the security of those published works, in terms of rights for example.


If anyone can see the scores then you've lost them, whether it be by download of the Musescore file, printing or screen-shotting. (The difference between these is an hour's work re-inputting to Musescore software!_

I've had people re-sell my scores, and take them for monetization on YouTube. You can make them private, but as soon as the score is visible to someone, the score is lost to that person.
Even with rights restictions published on the score, someone will try to steal and sell them. I've seen a colleague's works printed and all his ownership and names redacted (clumsily) and then sold under someone else's name.

Legal channels are there, but if it goes into certain national jurisidictions, it's gone. There are people who literally repost other users' scores without permission or attibution - complaining to Musescore will get you nowhere.

BUT if you want to do it for fun, to recover old music lost to yellowing pages, build a reputation etc, go for it.

For well-on 6 years before I began migrating my compositions to MuseScore, I had a personal website / domain specifically for my works. Over that whole time, I had not ONE contact via "Contact Me" page. Tracking visitors to my website found there were people accessing my pieces, but I don't know what for.

I find advantage in being part of a community where I "can be found" more easily. Then there's the feature that a visitor to my profile can pick any of my scores, view it, and have it play-back while the score progresses from start to finish.

And I've had maybe 9 messaging contacts with others on MS, over the last 6 months. Then, there's the rating & feedback, if people give such.

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