Importing XML generated in Finale

• Jan 5, 2023 - 15:45

I am in the process of changing from Finale to Musescore, since sometime in 2021. What I do is creating a XML file in Finale and import that in Musescore. When I did that in version 3.6.2 then I still had to edit things. Sometimes minor sometimes more depending on the complexity of the score (all scores are for windband/concertband). Now I tried this in Musescore 4 and the edits still have to be done. That is not the main problem. But I can't get the parts that have to be generated look like I want them. Somehow some changes in the score aren't duplicated in the parts. Some part names aren't named properly. And when I make changes to either the part or the score, they somehow get lost when I save the file, close it and open it again.
Today I started again on the score I used to test this with, from the xml file. What I now tried is opening the xml in Musescore 3.6.2. I then check the existing parts, their names and their transpositions. And save that file. I then copy that file to Musescore 4 and continue the editing of parts and adding parts in other transpositions or with other cleffs. But again I have problems: Changes to the layout of parts get lost after saving and reopening. And from parts that I added (for instance Horns in E-flat) the names I gave to that part get changed back to the names they got when I added them. For instance: I add horns in E-flat for horns 1-3 and horns 2-4. They get generic names (horn in Eb and horn in Eb (2)). I change that to horn 1-3 (Eb) and horn 2-4 (Eb) but after reopening they are named back to horn in Eb and horn in Eb (2). I guess I will keep doings this in Musescore 3.6.2 but I wanted to mention it overhere. I will try this again in Musescore 4 when the first update arrives.


Getting .XML into MS is challenging. I've also got Finale scores, and had various experiences just in MS3. Never tried into MS4. I think at one point I found - maybe it was a plug-in or add-on to Finale - to allow it to export to .MXL format. Somebody suggested this as a better file-type to import into MS3. But from what I remember, even .MXL format was not 100% smooth-going. If you have some time, check into adding .MXL exporter for your Finale.

I am also switching from Finale to Musescore 3.
I just tried exporting from Finale in xml format, and Musescore can open it, it looks successful. It plays OK on Musescore with all the correct instruments. But if I save it (without making any changes), close and re-open it, it has changed - it now plays all on piano. Maybe other things have changed that I haven't noticed. So the export/import was successful but musescore has then dropped something.

In reply to by Norman McNorris

I've had similar scenarios with .XML brought in from Finale -- where all things switch to piano. I think I found that making sure to save with MS3 instrument choices, not only after the initial load-up of the .XML, but after some changes have been made inside MS3. The reversion to all piano pretty much goes away.

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