Rests not displaying properly in MuseScore 4

• Jan 8, 2023 - 15:40

In several places in my score, rests are not displaying properly. In some instances, they are shown as dots. In other instances, they do not appear at all. And in other cases, the rests displayed result in too many beats for a given measure. And finally, a less dire bug (but mildly annoying), rests that are within a beam are sometimes colliding with the beam. See the attached screenshots and MuseScore file.

I'm not sure if this is related (or a red herring), but it seems that this behavior is occurring when I am replacing one-measure repeats (the '%' sign) with written notes. Also, note that MuseScore reports that this file is corrupt, and the measure numbers in the score do not match up with the measure numbers reported in the lower left.

There are numerous other odd issues developing in this file (e.g., blank measures appearing in the drum part) which may or may not be related, but it may be worth discussing those in a separate post.

Any fixes or workarounds? My current thought is to try to export MusicXML and just go back to MuseScore 3 until MS 4 becomes more stable.

macOS 13.1, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.0-223472200, revision: 5485621


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