Intent — Liberate us from countless pointless clicks

• Jan 16, 2023 - 23:47

Since starting to use MuseScore (back in v3.x) I've been perplexed by the requirement that users must first click the beam in order to alter its angle.

If one attempts to drag a beam edge, without first clicking the beam, MuseScore sees this as a request to change the length of the stem! I'll wager that this works against the user's intent. And regardless, the resuIt is far fetched: I don't recall seeing a score ithw stems detached from beams; and if there are such cases surely they are quite rare.

If my assumptions are correct then I question why MuseScore's behavior fails to support the predominant use case. Then ability to directly drag a beam edge would eliminate countless clicks from my workflow.

If for some reason the user actually wants to drag-edit the stem length it would make sense that a stem-click to unlock that option. Or since the need is extremely rare, entirely eliminate the option from direct score UI editing and require that users set the stem length via the Inspector/Properties panel

Am I off the mark here?



I now see this issue is partially addressed in MuseScore 4.x:

   Dragging a beam edge now drags the entire beam (if the beam is not preselected.) Ergo detaching stems from beams won't easily or accidentally occur on as a result of on-score gestures.

This is an improvement. But still, when roughly 96% of the beam is readily dragable, why not have the edge control points dragable without preselecting the beam?

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