Updates too frequent

• Jan 20, 2023 - 15:40

I'm fairly new to Musescore and am impressed with its power and features. But no sooner had I spent a substantial amount of time getting to know it than a new updated version came along, with a completely different user interface. I assumed that was just bad luck from when I had started using Musescore. Then, a month later, yet another one, completely different.
It's good to have improvements and more features, but the price of being on a permanent learning curve is too high.
Three versions in as many months! Let's hope it's stable for at least a year now.


MuseScore 3.6.2 got released more than 2 years ago, the next release, 4.0.0, only a few weeks ago, I'd not call that too frequent. 4.0.1 released this week doesn't change anything in the UI.
There will be a 4.0.2 soon, that too won't change the UI

" Let's hope it's stable for at least a year now."
I'm sorry, but that's not how major software releases work. MuseScore 4.0 involved a complete rewrite of the underlying code, so inevitably there will be several releases to correct various bugs or missing features. We just recently had 4.0.1, and we will surely get 4.0.2 and 4.0.3 in quick succession.

But as Jojo pointed out, these _minor__ releases will not change the UI - so they won't disrupt your learning curve if you are already using MuseScore 4.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

3 (I'm not sure which 3 it was, it just displays Musescore 3 when i fire it up) was the one on the download page.
Then the composer sent another score, but when I tried to launch it I got a message saying it was incompatible and I had to download the latest version, i.e. 3.6.
The changes between 3 and 3.6 are quite substantial.
Now his latest score, I got the same message and I had to download version 4.

In reply to by Sotires

The changes between 3 and 3.6 are quite substantial.
But if I remember correctly, it just offers to upgrade your score to use the latest fonts and layout improvements? It's a choice, not a huge format change which is forced on you.

Don't forget that you can have MS 3.6.2 and MS 4.0.x happily co-existing on your computer. I am still doing the majority of my work on MS 3.6.2, and I keep apart (in a different folder) those few scores which are created in MS 4.0 format.

And BTW I remember way back being very cautious about moving from MS 2.3.2 to MS 3.0, because the layout changes in MS 3.0 were very major - and there were bugs. Upheaval only happens at a major release!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I´ ve looked in the "about" tab. It's 3.2.2+dfsg+build 1 revision d2d863f
This is the one on the download page when I got this particular computer a couple of months ago. It looks about the same as the one I had on my previous computer.

The ones I downloaded subsequently, 3.6.2 and 4.0.1 were appimage versions.
Looks I was just a bit unlucky with the timing.

You were unlucky to join just before a major new version. I had a learning curve to go through on moving from v2 to v3 but then very few UI changes during the v3+ releases. I am sticking with 3.6.2 until v4 has bedded in: probably around 4.1.2! You could choose to do this too and postpone the learning curve.

It is still unclear why you haven't started with 3.6.2, which is already 2 years old, when you started your Musescore journey some months ago.
Then you would have been confronted to one single optional big change from V3 to V4.
Optional because as mentioned by others a perfectly valid strategy is to stay for a bit with 3.6.2 until V4 matures.

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