Is there a way to disable dragging notes with the mouse?

• Jan 21, 2023 - 19:56

I think I have this issue with both MuseScore 3 and 4. Whenever I want to select a note-head (which I do almost constantly while working on a score) there is a risk of moving the mouse too much and changing the pitch of the note. I have not found a way to stop this, is there one that I have missed?

Generally speaking I never want to change the pitch of a note with the mouse, but I do like/need the feature of dragging other objects, of course.

Thanks for reading!


Which is why I use a trackball mouse. It never moves. Only the finger or in my case my thumb, that controls the trackball.
Many will say it is faster to not use a mouse hardly at all. Oh well.

re: tiny tremor hand + mouse select + avoid repitch
i've got the same problem. pressing Shift and drag a selection box helps.

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