Musescore 4 issues (instrument sounds, new features, etc.)

• Jan 21, 2023 - 22:39

Hi, I just downloaded Musescore 4 and was very excited to see that there are new sounds for the instruments! However, once I started playing around with the instruments, I noticed that they began to decide their own dynamics despite what I put down. I could put down forte for the violin, but it would still start off quiet and get louder as the measure goes on. In Musescore 3 and the sounds for those instruments, it would only change with crescendos and decrescendos when I told it to. I can't tell if on Musescore 4 it does this when it has to play a bunch of notes quickly, if it's random, or if it starts quiet every measure or phrase and get louder later (I think its this one). How do I get the instruments to just stay at one dynamic?

Is it just me or do the stringed instruments sound out of tune? And is there vibrato there? Because I am hearing vibrato and it is really really annoying.

Another complaint: I understand what they were going for, but it is really annoying to have to click the note and then play instead of just the measure if I want them all to play. I suggest a setting to turn off the feature where if you click a measure it only plays that part because I really don't like it, but maybe I just have to get used to it.

One last thing - Whenever I press play, the software misses the first beat of the measure. Is there a remedy?

Other than those things, I am enjoying the new program, especially the style and for the most part the sounds do sound better, I just can't get past those few things. If anyone has any remedies or ideas, let me know!


Two more things! Is it just me or do the instruments sound kind of warped? They end abruptly and it somehow sounds more technological than the old ones.

And when I'm just clicking on a note or moving through them with the arrow keys, or even changing the pitch with the up and down key, it sounds AWFUL, and nothing like how it sounds in the program, and extremely delayed. Is that just me, or this a common problem?

I understand that there may have been an attempt to have MS4 interpret notation. Kind of like NotePerformer does. At the moment, you can't turn it off.
Or do anything about vibrato.

In MS3, while listening to a score, something made me want to listen to a bassoon part alone. So I had to open the Mixer, solo the bassoon, close the mixer, select where I wanted playback to start. Now I select the measure and hit play. Tis is also easier for times when I want to hear instruments that are next to each other in the score. Select the flute measure. Range select the other instruments. Hit play.

Yes, for now playback misses the first beat. So select the beat before where you want to start.

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