Corrupted file

• Jan 22, 2023 - 07:44

It has been very common for the musescore app on Window (both 10 and 11) to crash when I unplug my earphone or switch to stereo. I often have to re-open it but that isn't the main concern. But recently while I was trying out Musesore 4 and working on my newest piece for few days. When I open the file, "File... is corrupted" is shown and I sometimes cannot edit it. It now turns out I cannot even play the music. I tried to make copies of it and upload to the website yet it doesn't work and I don't want to lose my work. What can I do? Thanks.


Not a good idea to change playback devices while the program is running. MuseScore will crash, or at least stop working, as will commercial notation software. And as you found out, can cause corruptions.
Post your score. Someone may be able to get it working.
Some times extracting the file gives you something to work with. I would dothat kind of thing with a copy of the file.

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